Friday, January 17, 2014

The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry

Is it me, or does Nancy seem to choose books with extra long titles?  We are all glad a friend of hers recommended she pick up this book by Rachel Joyce because it was a unique read that leant itself well to discussion.  After feasting on chicken paprikish, green veggies flavored by a homegrown lemon, and grape salad, we retired to the living room to get comfy.  I called Elspeth and put her on speaker phone so she could join the discussion.  She and Emily hated to miss (again) but they both had good reasons.  Emily was traveling to see family, and El is nursing her husband back to health after a terrible fall.

Emily is hosting next month, so she's guaranteed to be present.

Without further ado, here are the points of interest from this latest novel:

  • We agreed that the book was emotionally heavy, even difficult to read at times, as we watched the characters journey through painful life events and relationships.  The physical journey for Harold mirrored and complemented his inner journey.
  • Many of us did not care for the section of the book involving all the copy cat walkers.
  • Elspeth pointed out the uniquely British characteristics of the book and its characters in an enlightening way because of her own British background.
  • We talked about the universality of pain in people's lives and how Harold accidentally used therapeutic silence as he listened to and accepted the people he met on his journey.
  • We discussed Queenie's role as friend and corrective experience for his mother's faults, and why he would feel so strongly the need to walk to her.
  • We referred to the beautifully illustrated map in Erin's book and talked about our lack of understanding about the length and direction of his journey at times because of our unfamiliarity with England.
Fun Facts:
Jessica told us about the book Making the Terrible Twos Terrific which Nancy promptly declared fiction.
Greta warned against tailgating on others' existential crises.
Jessica opened a few time we see her, she will have a baby girl!  (and we will finally know that baby girl's name.)
We shared our fun/secret ways of communicating with our husbands (Atta way to go...Rambo!  The Bobo finger for you!)
And Greta thought Becky smelled really good. (probably because they wear the same perfume.)

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