Friday, February 28, 2014

Redfield Farm

We met at Emily's lovely new home, and for the first time in a couple of months every member was present!  We feasted on a delicious Mediterranean inspired meal of lamb meatballs, cucumber salad, and roasted cauliflower.  We discussed Redfield Farm by Judith Coopey.  But the focus of our evening just might have been…

BABIES!  Babies, precious babies, everywhere!

Two beautiful babies made their book club debut.  We enjoyed passing them around, cuddling them, rocking them, and sniffing them (is there anything better than that newborn baby scent?)  Jessica and Emily- thank you for sharing your babies with us!

Points of Discussion about Redfield Farm:
  • There were cases throughout the book of underdeveloped characters and unbelievable plot lines.  Some called the book predictable.  Nancy saw the characters as "composites" that the author put in to cover her bases in representing each "type" of person.
  • We did enjoy the historical aspect of the novel.  Learning more about the Quakers and the Underground Railroad was interesting.
  • We discussed making decisions for the greater good, and Ann's inner conflict between kindness and irritation toward Pru.  Those emotions and motivations were actually conveyed well in the story.
  • The importance of family was a theme throughout the book.  Those who were separated from family didn't fare well as community seemed necessary for survival.
  • We explored Ann's decision regarding her baby and how we did or did not relate to that.
Fun Facts:
This was Erin's first book to read on a Kindle…ever.
Did I mention there were babies all over the place?
Maisie Dobbs continued to be ridiculed and defended…it will never end.
Greta had an interesting conversation on the train because of reading Redfield Farm.
Emily made the most delicious walnut orange cake.  The recipe is here.

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