Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Rosie Project

A quick and quirky book by Graeme Simsion was Erin's choice for us.  We met at Becky's house the week before Christmas to discuss the novel and enjoy each others' company.  However, we were denied the company of Emily and Elspeth due to illness.  We missed them!  (Rookies! don't get sick on BOOK CLUB night!! shaking head and rolling eyes)

The main character of the book followed a set weekly meal plan that included lobster on Tuesday night...and since it was a Tuesday night meeting, Erin graciously provided us with delicious lobster bisque from Pappadeaux.  Oh what a treat!

We had a wonderful meal followed by some spirited discussion, a book exchange, and the passing around of some really sweet gifts.

Points of Discussion
  • Several of us realized waaay into the book that it was set in Australia
  • Many felt the portrayal of Asperger's syndrome was well done and the character well developed.
  • We pondered the definition of love, our own definitions and those of the characters in the book.  We discussed how sometimes we redefine it, and how we might even change our behavior because of it.
  • We discussed empathy and how different people have different capacities for all types of emotions and behavior.
  • The genetic aspect of the book was interesting, and the ultimate conclusion about Rosie's father's identity surprised some of us.
  • Two suggestions came up for additional books/movies: The Reason I Jump (book) and Primal Fear (movie)
  • We also looked at Don's ability to be insightful, especially as it related to his friends' open marriage.
Fun Facts:
Becky might quit her day job and pursue a career in dramatic reading.
We channeled Maisie Dobbs in order to experience what Jessica must be feeling as a pregnant woman as she lay on the couch.
Erin is super crafty and makes adorable homemade gifts.
Greta and Nancy make delicious treats (pecans!  chocolate dipped Ritz with peanut butter!  Oh My!)
Becky apparently wants everyone to write down their feelings.
(You don't really have to use the journal to write about feelings...unless you want to...)

1 comment:

  1. ahh....I miss you guys.....I really need to get a book club started up here after the holidays.....I need this girl time.
