Friday, November 22, 2013

Profiles in Courage

We are not readers of mere "fluff."  Oh no.  Shallow novels beware our vituperative ire!  We cast aside all senseless mediocracy for the pillars of significant writing.  May we ever value the written word, the deliverer of knowledge and power, and its ability to transform the mind, elevate the spirit, capture the heart!

Yeah, yeah, we read a Pulitzer Prize novel by John F. Kennedy in memory of his legacy and untimely death that occurred exactly 50 years ago today.  We felt pretty smart about it all, until we actually got into the book.  Not that it's terrible, by any means, just a bit...dry.  It did lead to some good discussion, however, inside Jessica's cozy home as the temps rapidly dropped outside.

We were treated to beef stew, baked potatoes, spinach salad, and wine (which I offered to the pregnant a test.  They passed.)  We greatly missed Greta and Erin who were unable to join us.

Points of Discussion
  • What is the role of a Senator?  Are they elected to vote their conscience or as a voice for the constituents' will?  
  • What do we accept today as normal that 50 years from now we'll think "How could that have been okay?"
  • Nancy shared her experience of the JFK assassination: she was in high school.
  • Some of us thought the best part of the book was Kennedy's foreword.
  • We talked about our views of history and its impact on us, especially as we learn new things we never knew before.
Fun Facts:
Nancy, Kindle reader extraordinaire,  finally darkened the door of her local library and even got a library card in order to check out this book.
Speaking of the library, Becky (with the wisdom of her age) outsmarted Emily (who isn't even old enough to be a Senator) and found the lighter weight copy of the book, though Emily's version did have pictures.
Boy did we ever cover the topic of designer babies, and we also gave Elspeth a little science lesson on the birds and bees.

 a new wine aerator!

 only a few weeks left!

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