Thursday, October 17, 2013


In Replay by Ken Grimwood, the main characters relive a period of their lives over and over.  Each "replay" is different in some ways than the ones before as the characters make new choices and events are altered.  We met at Greta's house to discuss this intriguing book and soon found ourselves in our own little "replay" as Greta had cleverly made the exact same dinner as the last time she hosted book club!

As in all replays, some things were slightly different:

And some things were vastly different:

Points of Discussion:

  • This book challenges the idea we sometimes have that if we could do life over again (knowing what we know now) it might be so much better.
  • Through the book, the characters try almost everything people think will satisfy them including money, sex, having a child, helping the world, running away with a lover, and convincing the world of the truth...strangely, the one thing they never try is any type of spiritual journey.
  • There are lots of unanswered questions.  Why only 3 replayers?  Why are they replaying?  What will happen at the end?  
  • Becky thought the conclusions drawn by the main character at the end of the book were selfish and sad but others saw them as accurate and less harsh.  
  • Quote: "The unexamined life is not worth living, but a life too closely scrutinized leads to madness."
  • We mostly agreed that this was a quick, easy read with an interesting plot that kept us turning the pages.

Fun Facts:
Jessica announced she is having a.....GIRL.
Greta washed our dishes in the bathtub.
As of today, while I write this, the date of the replays is TOMORROW, Oct. 18.  Hope none of y'all replay tomorrow.
After careful consideration, Jessica chose Pet Wash for our next read.  It's a Level 2 book, a bit of a challenge.

Just kidding.  Jessica has chosen Profiles in Courage by JFK because next month is the 50th anniversary of his assassination.  Look at us being all history-buff-ish and intellectual.  We're awesome like that.

We enjoyed lovely Fall weather and a yummy Fall dessert and pumpkin spice latte.

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