Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Steve Jobs

After peppering us with questions about what we thought about 5 or 6 possible book choices, Jackie went a completely different route and pulled a book she had not even mentioned from thin air.  Jackie's tricky like that.  She likes to keep us on our toes.

We agreed the biography of Steve Jobs was a (thankfully) easy read despite its massive length.  However, it would have been nice if Isaacson had been slightly more parsimonious.  (Look it up...Greta taught us this new word.)

But before we got deep into discussion, we enjoyed a super healthy meal cooked up by Jackie's friend and neighbor.  Jean described how we could cut our margaritas from 750 to 100 calories, survive on plates of dinner food that are only 75 calories, and get more protein and less fat from peanut butter.  After she left we ate chocolate lava cakes that were four million calories each.  Shhhhhhh, please don't tell her.

Points of discussion:
  • How each of us could personally relate to the times Apple released new computers, devices, stores, etc. and how we felt about reading biographies.  Jessica's connection with her mom was especially touching.

  • The Reality Distortion Field and how it affected Jobs' relationships, decisions, and life.

  • The idea of "Genius" and the dysfunction that usually accompanies it.

  • The objectivity of Isaacson's writing and the motivations behind Jobs choosing him to write this work.

  • The intersection of Technology and Art.

  • The ways Jobs reinvented not only technology but animation, music, retail, fashion, the business environment, etc...

  • The intensity, narcissism, vision, drive, abandonment (to him and by him), and personality issues that intrigued us about Jobs.
Fun Facts:

We had a fun book exchange during which Dune was actually served up on a silver platter.
We wished we had never asked Paul to "choose a number."
Erin shared a seemingly normal catalog that turned out to be more naughty than nice.
Nancy surprised us with a Christmas treat.  Thanks!

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