Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Mrs. Kennedy and Me

For our first meeting ever, we discussed Mrs. Kennedy and Me by Clint Hill.

Points of discussion:

  • The effects of Mr. Hill's job on his wife and family (he was extremely absent from them)
  • Mr. Hill's (and the country's) adoration of Mrs. Kennedy
  • Mrs. Kennedy's warm, cultured persona that captured the hearts of other countries and their leaders
  • Mrs. Kennedy's aristocratic status and disconnect with the reality of everyday life for most women
  • The tension of a beautiful, wealthy family with tragedy that seems to draw interest from people
  • Mr. Hill's depressed, guilty-conscience existence that was healed in some ways by writing the book
  • The lack of privacy in Mrs. Kennedy's life and how that bothered and affected her
  • Mrs. Kennedy's possible motives for marrying Onassis after JKF's death
  • General views of women, pregnancy, and life in the late 50's, early 60's
We felt the ghostwriter Lisa McCubbin did an excellent job of forming the material into a book that flowed well and held the reader's interest.  We were thankful for Nancy's insight into the 60's (even though she was quite young at the time.)  Most of the group would recommend this book as an interesting insight into the life of Mrs. Kennedy and how the Secret Service agency works. 

Fun Facts:
We just happened to meet on JFK's birthday!  He would have been 95.
Jackie's father named her after Jacqueline Kennedy because he loved JFK (for sending troops to Vietnam.)  If Jackie had been a boy, her name would have been Kennedy.


Oh no!  No pics with Erin because she was holding the camera...we will remedy that next time!

1 comment:

  1. Becky - it was so much fun!! Thanks for getting us started!
