Wednesday, April 24, 2013

State of Wonder

Thank you, Ann Patchett, for a wacky unpredictable story in a fantasmical setting.

You sure gave us a lot to talk about over a super yummy Mexican themed dinner at Jessica's house.  Those sour cream chicken enchiladas would have been fun to enjoy on the patio.  That's what Jessica had planned for us.  Unfortunately, Winter decided to have one last hurrah (at the end of April!)

We were also down in number.  Jackie was in Israel.  She wanted to cancel her trip to the Holy Lands in order to be here for book club but we all said, no, should go to Israel even if it means missing book club.  She reluctantly went.  And poor Nancy got sick.

The four remaining members hashed out the themes involved in State of Wonder and had a fabulous evening together.  We are looking forward to the end of May when we will all be together Canton!  Book club road trip.  Yeah, baby!

The discussion about State of Wonder:
  • At first we weren't sure why the book is titled as it is.  But the more we talked about it, we realized that we were left to wonder about every single character in the book.  Nothing was wrapped up at the end and many questions remained.  The title could also refer to the mystical setting, or the mental state of the characters during the book about themselves or others.
  • We were left with a lot of unanswered questions about rather important things throughout the book.  It was annoying.
  • Some felt the book got off to a slow start, others hit a wall in the middle.  But we agreed it was a unusual subject and plot and we liked that.
  • Ethical questions of lying for the greater good...especially in Dr. Swenson's motives for keeping part of her research secret.  Note, the Tuskegee case.
  • Marina's redemption as she failed earlier in life in a certain setting, then she is reunited with her teacher and given a second chance to perform under pressure.
  • There is some good writing that brings the characters to life well, however some felt that often the characters behaved in unlikely or unbelievable ways.
  • None of us appreciated the scene at the end of the book between two characters that felt completely out of place and unnecessary.
Fun Facts:

"The mind can only absorb what the bottom can endure."- Greta.  Or her somewhat less intellectual statement: "I'm all about reading about racism!"

There were a couple of shout outs to Maisie Dobbs, that lovable detective we all adore!

Erin showed us her gorgeous new Dalai Lama boots which are way more peaceful than boots made by his less famous relative Tony.

First time beer was served at book club

Interestingly, Erin decided to choose a book that 3 out of 4 of us already have sitting on our shelves but have never read!  One guess who doesn't have it on her shelf.  Greta, you say?  How did you ever guess?